You will need to bring
Our Open classes are project based so you will need to bring along a pattern as well as suitable fabric and all relevant bits n pieces (eg matching thread, zipper. buttons, interfacing, lining etc) which are recommended on your pattern.
As well as you project you will need to bring your sewing machine ( don't forget your foot pedal and power cord ) and here is a recommended list of equipment for you to bring:
-Your sewing machine and its manual. If you don’t have a manual see if you can order one from the manufacturer or download one from the internet.
- Your foot pedal and power cord ( easy to forget when you are transporting a machine! )
- Any extras that came with your machine (eg sewing feet, screwdrivers etc)
-Tape measure
-Pins (pearl head or berry head are recommended)
-Pin cushion or magnet
-Dressmaking scissors
-An unpicker (quick-unpick or stitch ripper)
-Hand sewing needles
-Sewing thread
-Note book for jotting down pearls of wisdom …
If you don't own your own machine, see if you can borrow one from a friend or we have a number of machines available for hire at a cost of $10 per class.
*Please note we do have a small selection of equipment for sale which includes: dressmakers scissors, pins, thread clippers, tape measure, limited colours of thread and tailors chalk.
Where to come to
Please come to 7 Clovelly Road Randwick (Centennial Park end).
Parking is available in surrounding streets. For public transport, hop on the 339 bus which goes straight past.